
Saudi Arabia to host first Arab Fashion Week

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia is set to host in March its first ever Arab Fashion Week, the Arab Fashion Council announced Monday, overturning decades of draconian policies on arts and entertainment. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the powerful heir to the Saudi throne, has been leading a drive to reform the country’s dependence on oil, including expanding the private sector and empowering women. The Dubai based Arab Fashion Council said on its website that fashion week would…

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Arabia Saudí se abre a la moda con su primera Fashion Week

  El príncipe heredero Mohámed bin Salmán da un paso más hacia la apertura del país… Arabia Saudí continúa con su proceso de apertura a occidente en manos del príncipe heredero Mohámed Bin Salmán. ¿El último paso? La celebración de la primera semana de la moda. Así lo acaba de anunciar, a través de un comunicado oficial, el Arabian Fashion Conuncil. Del 26 al 31 de marzo, Riad será testigo de la primera edición de la Arabian Fashion…

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Saudi Arabia announces its first Arab Fashion Week as the kingdom continues to move away from its dependence on oil

Saudi Arabia’s first ever Arab Fashion Week will take place in Riyadh in March The Dubai-based Arab Fashion Council made the announcement on Monday  The second edition of Arab Fashion Week is already scheduled for October  Saudi Arabia is set to host in March its first ever Arab Fashion Week, overturning decades of draconian policies on arts and entertainment. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the powerful heir to the Saudi throne, has been leading a drive…

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أول أسبوع للموضة في السعودية ينطلق الشهر المقبل

على هامش أسبوع لندن للموضة، تمّ الإعلان اليوم، الاثنين، عن إقامة أول #أسبوع_للموضة في #السعودية سيمتد بين 26 و31 من شهر آذار/مارس المقبل. وتأتي هذه الخطوة وليدة تعاون بين مجلس الأزياء العربي Arab Fashion Council ومجلس الأزياء البريطاني British Fashion Council، على أن يتمّ خلال هذا الأسبوع التركيز على تقديم الأزياء الراقية الجاهزة المعروفة بال Ready Couture. وكان #مجلس_الأزياء_العربي افتتح مركزاً له في الرياض أواخر العام المنصرم. ويعتبر حالياً أوسع مجلس للأزياء في العالم كونه يضم 22 دولة عربية وترأسه فخرياً #الأميرة_نورة بنت…

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BFC announces strategic partnership with the Arab Fashion Council

  The British Fashion Council (BFC) has announced the launch of a new strategic partnership with the Arab Fashion Council (AFC), aiming to strengthen ties with the region as it pushes its fashion industry to grow. The new initiative was announced as the Arab Fashion Council launches the first ever official Saudi Fashion Week, which seeks to tap into the growing demand for high-end designs in the region and encourage local talent. Caroline Rush, chief…

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Saudi Arabia to host first ever Arab Fashion Week

  Arab Fashion Week will take place at Riyadh’s eco-friendly Ritz Carlton. Saudi Arabia is set to host in March its first ever Arab Fashion Week, the Arab Fashion Council announced on Monday. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been leading a drive to reform the country’s dependence on oil, including expanding the private sector and empowering women. The Dubai-based Arab Fashion Council said on its website that fashion week would be held in Riyadh…

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Saudi Arabia to host its first ever Arab Fashion Week

  Top global designers, models and industry trendsetters will sashay into Riyadh next month The eyes of the fashion world will be on Saudi Arabia next month as the kingdom hosts its first ever Arab Fashion Week. Top global designers, models and industry trendsetters will sashay into Riyadh on March 26 to 31 for a week of haute couture organised by the Arab Fashion Council, the organisation’s honorary president announced in the UK capital on…

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Arab Fashion Council Plots Arab Fashion Week Riyadh, Partners With British Fashion Council

  LONDON — The Arab Fashion Council is starting to lay the foundations for the development of a sustainable infrastructure across the Arab world, with a strategic partnership with the British Fashion Council and the debut of the first Arab Fashion Week in Riyadh. The nonprofit organization, which represents 22 countries across the Arab world and has recently set up a regional office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is aiming to use the event as a platform to support local…

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Riyadh to host Saudi Arabia’s first Arab Fashion Week

  LONDON: Saudi Arabia is set to host its first Arab Fashion Week next month as part of a push to support aspiring Saudi designers and drive growth in the sector. Princess Noura bint Faisal, honorary president of the Arab Fashion Council (AFC), announced the news to a small group of industry insiders and journalists in London on Monday morning. Reading a letter from the General Entertainment Authority in Saudi Arabia, she said: “Saudi Arabia’s…

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مجلس الأزياء العربي يعيّن الأميرة نورة بنت فيصل آل سعود رئيسًا شرفيًا

  بيروت- سيدتي | الخميس 21-12-2017 أعلن مجلس الأزياء العربي، وهو أكبر مجلس غير ربحي في العالم يختص بشؤون الأزياء والموضة ويمثل 22 دولة عربية عضوا في جامعة الدول العربية، عن افتتاح مكتبه الإقليمي في مدينة الرياض وتعيين صاحبة السمو الأميرة نورة بنت فيصل آل سعود كرئيس شرفي للمجلس، وتعيين السيدة ليلى عيسى أبو زيد كمدير للمجلس في المملكة العربية السعودية. وتمثل هذه النقلة الإستراتيجية علامة فارقة في تاريخ المملكة. إنها بداية إستراتيجية طويلة المدى تسير جنبًا…

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